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Special: dear theatre maker

This extract is freely taken and adapted from the introduction section of the book ´300 thoughts for Theatremakers´ by Russell Lucas. 

This book is highly recommended.

Dear theatre maker,

I admit that your path will not be easy, but that is one of the reasons why we feel so at home in theatre, isn't it? We are not ordinary people, nor do we seek ordinary life. We crave creativity, freedom, stories, illusion, applause, a team, a show. In fact: a life full of imagination.

Theatre maker.

There are myths. Long periods of unemployment while we wait for tough jobs that provide half-day work?  Actors’ life. And what about that devious myth that there are too many artists and not enough places to perform? Couple that with the harsh truth of not enough affordable rehearsal spaces, excessive financial demands on our already fragile reality.

How long would it be before we took the reins? 


And now that the theatre maker is running free, they have discovered that the theatre itself needed them.

Thanks for the key.

I won't tear up tickets, I won't turn lights on or off myself. I won't stand there singing my aria.

Can I tie a knot in the curtains? It's my profession.


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