Can you imagine an empty box?
Drifting away in my imagination, I came to this philosophical question.
Can an imagined box be empty?
Imagined transparency?
Does a blind person imagine a box is empty and does it mean the same?
Is it square, does it have to be?
Is it symbolic? Or is it just as it is.
If you think of it, everything we have a word for it we can question. With every word come associations and feelings. And they differ by life experience, by people.
What is a box to make it a box? And what is emptiness? Is emptiness also a feeling?
“Empty”: As in fake? False? Phony? Wrong? Disappeared? Non-existent? Unfulfilled? Deserted? Unspoken? Forgotten? A loss?
Or more positive: Light? Spacious? Practical? Potential? Anticipation?
If we think of an empty box, we miss content…do we?
Could an empty box contain elements, do the laws of physics apply?
Could the box be filled with empty water? With no fish ☺ off course that would be ridiculous– it is empty. Or is really everything possible and there cannot be a boundary in our imagination?
Could it be sealed and protected from oxygen
Could it have pressure build up and implode in your face?
Although we might allow certain features…
It could have a small detail to emphasize the emptiness?
Could this be a cardboard box and inside you see the angel hair because the recycled paper is not well cut and this emphasizes the emptiness. Angel hair = hollowness, truly empty
Could it be a present, with a bow and full of expectation and when you open it….there does not seem to be anything.
You lift the box upside down and shake and…a bit of dust? Dramatic. Or a small present still = an almost empty box. Or the imagined scene stops abruptly and you never find out. Empty? Who knows?
We could zoom out
Is this box part of a bigger whole?
Could this box be a solid block? And could these solid blocks be part of a building, boxes made from ice such as an igloo perhaps.
Could solid blocks be an illusion - have deep feelings for some and are like empty boxes to others?
Everything is influenced by Time
A box of chocolates could be empty before you know it.
A box of memories is always full although it contains nothing.
Mathematics is very simple
A box could be a black box, something in and something out. When input and output is the same, the box is empty mathematically.
Labelling is always tricky
You could need an empty box and label it practically when you move houses or when you are fired.
Empty boxes are good sorting objects, when you are occupied and your mind is too full, imagine you can sort your thoughts with empty boxes and label them.
Labelling an empty box as ‘great offering ‘is something sales people would do
Labelling it as ‘full’ is fraud and may be punishable
Labelling it as ‘this box might contain nuts’ is a food allergen claim that is too careful for an empty box but this claim is abused normally anyway.
Most interesting might be the Consequence of an empty box
A jewelry box that is empty could be a huge theft.
A machinery tool box that is empty could mean a disaster when you deal with an unstable or broken part.
A pizza box that is empty could make someone really hungry and angry
A treasure box could be guarded as in the Egyptian tombs (by zombies in some movies, never understood that part) or be marked on a pirate map.
An empty pill box …could lead to symptoms of illness. Or missing contraception…
An empty condom box…. something passionate happened before, that made someone forget to throw the empty box.
Counting inside a box before and finding it empty could leave you puzzled.
An empty puzzle box is then very confusing, leaving you puzzled.
An empty box of cigarettes usually means addictively opening a new box soon
Finally, some people see more than just and empty box and are thinking outside the box Objects such as an empty box have numerous examples of being misused, failing or anyhow used as not intended by its original design.
A box could remain empty because the flaps are not glued and everything falls out.
A box could be empty because it is used for a kid to stand on to make him be taller and reach the cookie jar. Or stand on to speech, such as in the UK where they used to have soap crates for this purpose in the park.
A wooden box for soap is very old fashioned and usually empty standing in a museum with faded letters. The melancholy of an empty box.
Most empty boxes are from carton, and can be folded and recycled though, they begin a new life. If they become a box, Empty becomes Full-to-be.
There is no such thing as an empty box if you can imagine it.