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IDENTITY#2, Schwimm langsam - jetzt erst Recht


2022, Berlin.

'By day she is a technologist. By night, she explores the theater scene in Berlin.'

Who is she?

In the poorest neighborhood with the most immigrants, on the former fault line between French and Soviet sections, she stands in the streets where people jumped off balconies. Then. And where there is a tunnel running underground that unfortunately flooded when put into use to an flight to the West. Those people got no escape to another identity.

In the poorest neighborhood with the most immigrants, live mostly non-Berliners. They come from somewhere else, speak other languages, keep strange habits. Are very poor. The poverty line has been reached here and could be deeper. It is a neighborhood of concrete, empty buildings. A transvestite club. 

There is also a theater, called ´prime time theater´. Prime time is all nights except Mondays and Tuesdays, during the season. It has a yearly seasonal show and then always runs the same production. It was recently saved from financial ruin. The street had no desire to have to maintain another one of those empty gray concrete blocks. What to do with all those “up for sale” halls and it is such a long straight street with these Nationalist German flags everywhere. It is also a street for artistic weirdness, cult and avant-garde like incomprehensible and not really inviting exhibitions. Come in and be shocked. Sure it will be great! And also a billboard from an artist which says something like´ I am unknown so give me a grant´. Do it immediately. Is is bound to lead to something wonderful…

Prime time Theater has a performance “Schwimm langsam - jetzt erst recht.” A banner has been placed, on the gray concrete on this street – it forms a huge contrast.

 It seems unlikely Sylvia will go there. What is she doing here anyway?

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